مقالات 2018
ردیف | عنوان مقاله | سال | ایندکس | لینک |
1 | The relationship between iron deficiency anemia and sexual function and satisfaction among reproductive-aged Iranian women | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
2 | The effect of carbetocin compared to misoprostol in management of the third stage of labor and prevention of postpartum hemorrhage: a systematic review | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
3 | Comparison of Training via Short Messages and Group Training on Level of Knowledge and Practice of Middle-Aged Women About Breast Cancer Screening Tests | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
4 | A comparison of the effects of Lawsonia inermis (Iranian henna) and clotrimazole on Candida albicans in rats | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
5 | Comparison of the effect of breast pump stimulation and oxytocin administration on the length of the third stage of labor, postpartum hemorrhage, and anemia: a randomized controlled trial | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
6 | The Effect of Evening Primrose Oil on the Intensity of Postpartum Blues Among Primiparous Females: A Double-blind, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
7 | Comparing the Frequency and Barriers in Performing Mammography in Different Occupations in 2018 | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
8 | Comparison of the Effects of Juglans nigra Green Husk and Clotrimazole on Candida albicans in Rats | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
9 | The Relationship between Health Promoting Lifestyle with Life Satisfaction in Postmenopausal Women | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
10 | The effect of Calendula officinalis versus metronidazole on bacterial vaginosis in women: A double-blind randomized controlled trial | 2018 | ISI | دانلود |
11 | Is there a relationship between restless legs syndrome and medical problems in pregnant women? A cross-sectional study in Iran. | 2018 | pubmed | دانلود |
12 | Investigating the relationship between psychological hardiness and resilience with depression in women with breast cancer. | 2018 | pubmed | دانلود |
13 | Effect of fennel vaginal cream on sexual function in postmenopausal women: A double blind randomized controlled trial. | 2018 | pubmed | دانلود |
14 | The prevalence of restless legs syndrome and its relationship with demographic characteristics and medical disorders in postmenopausal Iranian women. | 2018 | pubmed | دانلود |
15 | The relationship between function and sexual satisfaction with sexual violence among women in Ahvaz, Iran. | 2018 | pubmed | دانلود |
16 | Do Sleeping Disorders Impair Sexual Function in Married Iranian Women of Reproductive Age? Results from a Cross-Sectional Study. | 2018 | pubmed | دانلود |
17 | Effect of fenugreek vaginal cream on dyspareunia and sexual satisfaction in menopausal women: A randomized clinical trial | 2018 | scopus | دانلود |
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